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Omron NEC900 nebulizer kit

Product name

Omron NEC900 compressorvernevelaar. Complete with vernevelset, mouthpiece, nosepiece, air hose, mask for adults, mask for children, set of 5 spare air filters. OMRON introduces the latest breakthrough in clinical respiratory therapy, the NE-C900 CompAir ™ Pro nebuliser. Designed for use in a wide range of clinical applications and to deliver a full range of medications, the NE-C900 CompAir ™ Pro nebulizer can be used to effectively treat many common respiratory conditions. High-output compressor 7L at 100kPa. Two part S.S.K (Smart Structure Kit) for easy preparation and cleaning. High nebulization rate 0.4 ml / min. Wide medication compliance. Efficient lung deposition at lower airways. Convenient handle for carrying safely. Short nebulization times. Simple one-button operation. Supplied complete with: Compressor Unit S.S.K. Nebuliser Kit, Mouthpiece, Nosepiece, Adult Mask, Child Mask, 200cm PVC air tube, 5x Spare Air Filters, Full Instructions and 3 Year Warranty.

Product code 202795